Change Your LIFE

Totally Aktive Gym Classes in Crewe are designed to help each and every individual achieve their personal health and fitness goals, regardless of age, gender, weight, fitness level or ability.
We create the perfect Gym environment, to provide support and encouragement to everyone who joins us.
We have fitness classes to suit everyone.
Come and join us and never look back or try one of our free gym taster sessions.
Former Royal Marine Commando James has the knowledge and experience to know what it takes to succeed, Being medically discharged from the Royal Marines has made him more determined to achieve your goals.
As a professional Fitness Trainer, his passion is to guide people towards a healthier lifestyle. Everybody is unique, with their own strengths and limitations. James method is to build a custom plan based on your health, schedule and more importantly, fitness goals.
We aim to transform your body and influence you to make more mindful decisions when it comes to your health.

The unique classes weve developed will help burn calories, boost metabolism and improve your overall health.
Kettlebells are a great way of exercising and becoming evermore popular in recent years, although the history of Kettlebells is long and varied.
TRX System. ... TRX is a form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user's body weight to complete the exercises.
This is a popular trend in the fitness world today. Whether it’s losing weight or trimming and toning, my program will improve your health and have you feeling great. You’ll see an improvement in your performance in no time.
flexibility & Mobility
Flexibility is the ability of the muscle to be lengthened, and this is important for you need enough flexibility in your muscles to obtain goof functional & sport specific mobility.
Mobility is the ability to control movement through a range of motion similar but with some key differences, as Flexibility isn't enough.
All Athletes, need to work on maintaining & improving their mobility.

The Insanity workout is an advanced exercise program. It involves bodyweight exercises and high-intensity interval training. Insanity workouts are performed 20 to 60 minutes at a time
The unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost metabolism and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises will have you in tip-top shape.
Metafit is a high-intensity workout including a series of body-weight exercises with interval style training, designed to keep your body burning calories long after your training session is complete. Designed by a former marine, this is a class you can be sure to push your limits in.
Real Experiences, Stunning Results
Here are just a few reviews from our happy customers.

Boxercise is the latest and best exercise to empower women and get men back into the studio. The workout uses the entire body. Cardiovascularly you burn more calories in an hour than using a stairclimber. You use your whole body your arms, your legs and the time flies as you work on body movement, agility and momentum.
Boot camp workouts can vary. They generally include a fairly intense mix of aerobic, strength training and speed elements within each class session. ... A boot camp workout is essentially a type of interval training — bursts of intense activity alternated with intervals of lighter activity.
Recently, there has been a surge in popularity for Functional Fitness Training, and there is a good reason for it! There’s no better way to develop strength, flexibility, and balance than through this method. These classes are suitable for people training for outdoor OCR events or also for overall fitness that targets every part of the body.